Building Better Education

Building better education 2024


8:30am to 5:00pm, Wednesday 20 March 2024

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The Building Better Education 2024 – The Bigger Picture Conference is an opportunity for non-government school Principals, Business Managers, and Facilities Managers in NSW to connect with their peers and hear from experts on topical issues.

A joint initiative by EPM Projects, Westpac, and Johnson Winter Slattery (lawyers). Conference tickets are free for all attendees. Places are limited, please RSVP early.


Besa Deda

Westpac: Chief Economist

Philip Rossington

BVN Architects: Principal

Tracey Cain

H/Advisors APA: CEO

Brendan Browne

WT Partnerships: Associate Director

Graham Thomas

EPM: Head of Facilities Management

Master of Ceremony

Prof. Sebastian Pfautsch

Western Sydney University:
Professor in Urban Studies

Ali Bounds

BVN Architects: Principal

Dr. Paul Teys

Educational Leadership Consultant

Daniel Thompson

JWS: Partner, Information Technology & Communications

Sam Daly

JWS: Partner, Planning and Environment



8:30am to 8:45am

Arrival and refreshments

8:45am to 8:50am


8:50am to 9:30am

Besa Deda – Chief Economist, Westpac
“Economic Update”

9:30am to 10:15am

Prof. Sebastian Pfautsch – Professor of Urban Management and Planning, WSU
”Thermal Management of Schools”

10:15am to 11:00am

Philip Rossington – Principal, BVN Architects
Ali Bounds – Principal, BVN Architects
Building Success from the Ground Up: Designing for Vertical Schools”

Morning tea break

11:00am to 11:45am

11:45am to 12:30pm

Tracey Cain – Chief Executive Officer, H/Advisors APA
”Integrating Communication and Consultation”

12:30pm to 1:00pm

Brendan Browne – Associate Director, WT Partnership Australia
“Construction Costs – How did we get here, where is it going, how do we get the best value?”

Lunch break

1:00pm to 2:00pm

2:00pm to 2:45pm

Dr. Paul Teys – Educational Leadership Consultant
”Building Future-Ready Schools: Integration of Technology and Infrastructure Development”

2:45pm to 3:15pm

Graham Thomas – Head of Facilities Management, EPM
“Getting the most from your Property Team (employed versus contracted)”

Daniel Thompson – Partner, JWS
“Building the Smart Campus: Tech Procurement and Other Legal Considerations”

3:15pm to 3:45pm


3:45pm to 3:50pm

Drinks and Canapés

4:00pm to 5:00pm


Level 21
275 Kent Street
Sydney NSW 2000


